Saturday, June 25, 2011

Solace For The Soul: Sweet Odour Of Summer

Sweet Scent Of Summer
This is first full weekend of Summer, and so far it's been pretty good.We've had sun, time at a local camp pool, fun food, the boys are scouting, the girls are being girls, and a walk a loop through a local Saturday Market. In a bit we'll have homemade quiche, do our own hair wraps, and make certain we put our stuff out before the boys come in through the door this evening.

he breeze is carrying the peppery scent from the flowering basket through the front door screen. Ahhh, the fresh spirit of summer.

I've realized that I am really domestically challenged.I've mentioned it before, but on days like these when I don't take a ton of responsibilities I only need to be my nose.As a homeschool mom it is still more challenging.If we don't get to eat at a certain time, then lets eat lunch in the heart of the afternoon.If I don't get to go over lessons, drive anyone anywhere or preparation for worship leading then lets do something, later I'm trying my own silk screening with fabric, mod-podge, and an embroidery hoop, or feel the flowers.Okay, some days I have to do all those things and I still prefer to let the artistic whimsy take over.

I recognise that I do want to be more disciplined with my home.I do appreciate my house more when I am running to preserve it clean.I get a friend, who is likewise a pastor's wife, that I've recently become reacquainted with who truly takes charge of her home. It is bare and uncluttered.I very long for that.She admits that she is not a crafty type.She would rather mop her floor than knit a scarf.I believe we've established that I am the opposite.I told her that I conceive that is a grand thing.I longed to be more that way, and I was really encouraged by the sentence I spent in her home.

Last week we had a full week of finishing our morning acts of serving and our daily act of service.I've put everything we possess to achieve each day into an index card binder.Any time the kiddos are quick to stop up their assigned job, they can give the binder and see what has to be done for that day.They have had a great attitude about it, and I believe they own a better understanding of our family expectations for keeping things organized.The youngest even used a toothbrush to clean around the bathroom sinks!

Now we get to see the art of "filling it up, don't give it up."My husband can see out how I exhausted my day by what piles he runs into.He is so very patient.By the end of the Summer I plan on those piles being picked up before 5p.m.It will be keen to pass into the pin with good habits re-established (keeping to our house keeping schedule) and established (pick it up, don't pass it up).

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