Friday, February 11, 2011

Scouting for Girls Music Photos: Let's Talk Girl Scout Cookies

I was the "Cookie Monster" aka VP of GS Products and Marketing for the former GS Tarheel Triad Council. I planned and managed every aspect of the Cookie Prgram for 13 counties (over 1000 troops) I see it impossible to stay steady when a such a report is so lazily presented. I see she has a certain and maybe even valid view regarding knowledge about foods and food sources. But she limited her look to almost nothing.

The Cookie Prgram is yes the principal fund development program for councils in most cases it accounts for 50 % of operating budgets. (GSTTC it was 53%) This means cookies pays for staff, materials, camps, other girl programs, publications, horses, canoes_ all things Girl Scouting.

There are 2 companies in North America that produce GS Cookies. Each has made tremendous commitments to producing healthier products. Could they do more, certainly but this article has done little research into the actual products. The blogger also speak nothing of the introduction of the Cookie Program as girl programming. The Cookie Program is an excellent training tool for girls to learn business, communication, math and team building skills. I have witnessed the shyiest of girls beam when presenting information obout the product, the programming and the Girl Scouting in their lives and their communities. Troops are able to go the world literally from the funds they raise. Great things happen because of the lessons learned in even the most minimal participation in this program.

Even the history of the air was that Juliette Gordan Lowe, founder of Girl Scouts, began the cookie program to teach girls and new women to be financially independent and support their activities and interests. Girl Scouting is about providing girls with the opportunity to explore all of their possible interest from camping to goverment to job to dance to cooking to cookies to space_ I for one would hope that no one would try to fix any girl`s growth and exploration. I think there is a painful lesson here that this blogger is wanting both in sharing this experience with her daughter and in sharing an opportunity to get others. Why not come up with a healthier cookie product that could become apart of a future program. Just me on my GS soapbox. stepping down now.

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