Monday, February 14, 2011

Missouri River Towns - February !011

The old train depot building.The MKT (Katy - Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad) went threw town years ago when it was silent in business.The old right-of-way has been turned into a hiking-biking trail over 200 miles long.The Chamber of Commerce now occupies the depot.
We got a small out in the "boonies" (now it occurs to me what the beginning of this condition is) on a dirt road looking for the Booneslick State Park and historic site.

e found that it was shut for winter, but got lucky with this fun photo.

We passed through what was left of old Franklin, the metropolis that the maiden trip down the Santa Fe Trail originated from.Floods on the Missouri River destroyed the township and all the residents moved up the bluffs to New Franklin.Our next stay was Glasgow.another city with great old buildings that have been restored to serve tourism and new local business'.Close to 1,200 people call Glasgow home.
German's slways take to have coffee and dessert about 3:00pm each day, so we stopped in at the bakery.
My cinnamimon roll looked and tasted fantastic.
Sigrid will now be capable to cover the trip.
We went through a bit of smaller towns after Glasgow.I had high hopes for Steinmetz, but we must have blinked when we passed through.We did stay in Fayette, the Howard County seat.About 2,700 live in Fayette.The court house is below.
Somehow, I managed to get the Missouri River photos that Sigrid took in Glasgow sandwiched between the Fayette town photos.It is recent and too much work to move them around.The river has a different spirit in winter.Sigrid took some really nice photos and captured the dish and king of the river.
Now we are back in the town square in Fayette, MO.
The says it all around our winter adventure on the Missouri River.

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