Saturday, February 12, 2011

Boy accuses all-girls scout group of sexual bias

Boy accuses all-girls scout group of sexual bias

London, Feb 12 -A teenage boy in Britain has accused an all-girls scout groupof sexual discrimination for not allowing him to serve its meet.

Thomas Desai, 17, was invited by two female friends to connect them at their weekly session of Girl Guides, an all-girls scout group. But he was turned out at the door.

`I made the assumption, as girls are welcome to be members of the Scouting movement, I would be welcome,` the Sun quoted Thomas from Crowborough, East Sussex, as saying.

Girl Guides were formed in 1910 as a cause for girls in reply to the scene up of the Scouts, exclusively for boys, a year earlier.

Sixth-grade student Thomas had been invited to a merging of the Crowborough District Rangers, the division of the Guiding movement for 14 to 26-year-old women, where regular activities include hiking, cooking, crafts, and challenges.

`I was disgusted,` he said. `My friends were surprised. They thought I would be welcome.

`It`s not as if I was some unknown person passing on my own. I was with friends. They turned me off merely because I was a male.`

Thomas said he had ever been fascinated with Girl Guiding.

`The values of comradeship and friendship within the movement, as good as the respective activities members undertake, appeal to me greatly.

`I have never actually had male-oriented hobbies. I`m not concerned in football and rugby. I love cooking and finally wish to be a chef. I find I can take better with girls than boys,` he said.

In the preceding couple of decades, Scouts troops have been detached to have girls if they choose, but the Guiding movement has remained for girls only.

Though sex discrimination laws leave the Guiding movement to exclude boys, but Thomascriticised the organisation`s `backward ethos`.


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