Saturday, January 29, 2011

This Is Goodbye - FFVII; X; XII

Disclaimer: I own none of the media used in my videos, and neither do I take so. Hence "dis"claimer.~Info~Song: This Ain't A Love SongArtist: Scouting For GirlsMade With: Sony Vegas Pro 8.0Games: FFVII: CC, Doc; FFX; FFXII Couples: Auron/Rikku; Vincent/Yuffie; Angeal/Penelo; Balthier/Yuna~Other Stuff~Hey look, Rachelplum, Aurikku! :DDDSo this is, if not consecrate to, then inspired by Rachelplum, who does the most amazing, wonderful crossovers, and who ever has something encouraging to say about everything.

Plus she's like the only other serious fan of Sazh/Vanille that I've met, so that creates something of a familiar feeling. She also taught me that it is totally ok to not be an expert beast at masking and stuff - what matters more is creating the fantasy of the two characters actually being together, creating emotion. I could disguise it up all I wanted, but it doesn't really matter very much, you love? Anyway, thank you, dear. I very much value you and your work.Anyway, the story contest I've been in has lent me a new appreciation for crossover couples. At first, I was wholly against them, because I could only stand so many Cloud/Yuna videos and the prayer was only generally lacking, but gradually I came to understand, if not love them. Then, for the start time, I made a crossover, starring Vincent as a creepy stalker and Yuna as the target of his affections (start out simple, you know, plus I won't lie, there's a whole wealth of Yuna clips), and now I suppose I might be hooked. For this, because I'm still form of new to the whole thing, I decided to do two semi-canonical pairings (canon in the smell that they are really in the same plot and I bear them wholeheartedly), and so two what-sort-of-crack-are-you-on pairings. Penelo and Angeal are really going to be the stars of my next contest video (I know the theme of them and I bid them Pangeal), and I wanted to do something else with FFXII (Balthier was the quick choice, because he is sex on legs) and FFX, so Yuna became the early choice. My destination was for the two crazy pairings to have something that tied them to the former two, and I believe I pulled that off pretty decently. :The overall history is that the girls say their respective man that they're leaving, and each guy deals with it in his own peculiar way. They even love them, of course (who wouldn't?), but by the end, they aren't dependant on them, and act on (again, each in a particular way - Balthier's is obviously with other women, oh ho ho, Balthier, you pimp, you). Everything with a yellowish tint is past-ish stuff (memories, I suppose) and red tint means everything is a little more attached to the actual story. Look, guys, I learned how to do colorings! :DDD (Anyway)Thank you guys so often for watching! I promise you enjoyed!~Griever Less

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