Friday, January 14, 2011

Marizipan's Life

Time: 6:52pmMood: ImpatientCurrent Song: She's So Lovely - Scouting For GirlsCurrent Show: American Pie 2Dear Diary,It's been an exceedingly long time since I've written here, and I'm not sure why. The preceding few months have been a blur, really. I'm not going to lie, I've been acting a lot of Pokemon on my calculator and drink a lot of tea.I've also taken up watching Jersey Shore because the multitude are absurd and it has bearable background music.

Season 3 has started, which made me the happiest I've been in what seems like forever. Sammi got the crap beaten out of her, which was only good television. Bodyguard-type people had to do in and stop JWoww from smashing her side in. Between her starting random arguments with anyone in hearing and the fact that she got back with a cheater, I think Sammi certainly deserved a slap upside the head.On another subject, I'm moving next year, which will be exciting. I've only driven by this particular town (which will remain nameless) before, but I'm eager to get out of this township and go somewhere new. Someone from said town told me not to go; then again, I would never suggest that somebody should go to my local University either.Over the preceding month or so, I've become extremely bored and dissatisfied. I went to Hawaii over the winter break, but as shortly as I was back, I was in the same monotonous routine I was in before I left.Also, I get a bit of an announcement to do that's rather unpleasant. Last March, I went to Europe and caught a cold because the tour guide kept saying it would be warm out, and so it would be -1C.Anyways, this head cold turned into a sinus infection. On the plane ride home, because of said sinus infection, I couldn't make my ears properly, and after a 10 hour flight, my ears apparently had had enough and I was nearly totally deaf for a pair of years afterwards. Eventually, my ears popped and so began continually ringing. A few times since, I've gone almost completely deaf when I've been around any sort of loud noise. Basically, I'm facing the theory of going permanently deaf. I haven't told a lot of people this, but now it's progressively getting worse, and I take to start facing it. I'm seeing a specialist about this, but yet that isn't plenty to do me feel any better.On another subject, I recently found out I get a science for finding information most people online. How creepy is that? Very.So yes, my current position is rather unpleasant, but. Well, there isn't actually a 'but', it just sucks. I suppose life could be worse, though. I'm not certain how, but I'm certain it could be.Also, I saw a truly terrible movie today called Skyline. It was about supposedly unstoppable aliens attacking Earth and eating people's brains. I'm completely serious.The 1st half or so was good, as is normal with horror movies, but the 2nd half was silly and had a dreadful ending. In fact, the ending was near as painful as Splice's ending where the monster changes genders, rapes what is technically its mother, and so the 'father' is significant at the end.In Skyline, though, an alien eats the chief character's psyche and absorbs his consciousness. So the principal role is an alien? I honestly hope that there's a sequel where he tries to fit into society as an alien; that would probably be better than the actual movie.That's all for now.

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