Friday, October 15, 2010

izzy viney AS media: The Male Gaze

The Male gaze is the thought that all aspects of media are from the view from a hetrosexual man. This figure of Barack Obama gives a just representation of the male gaze. It re-inforces that 'men look', and that men deliberatley re-presentate the media in from that perspective, the conception is of the male gaze is one that deals with how an audience views the people presented.

The film audience haveto 'view' characters from the view of a hetrosexual male. The features of the male gaze; The camera lingers on the curves of the female body, and events which come to women are presented largely in the setting of a mans reactions to these events. It almost relegates women to the position of objects or possessions. The female viewer must view from a males point of view. For feminists, it can be thinking of in 3 ways; - How men seem at women - How women feel at themselves - How women feel at other women. From the conception of the male gaze it demonstrates that the way women are portrayed, men looking at women more for their torso or what they could potentially offer in ultimatley a sexual way. It makes women feel at themselves and compare them to photoshopped models, and perhaps have lower self esteem as they aim to be like the women in underwear adverts or catwalk models. Naturally, women compare or judge other women, but look at them in a totally different way to 'stereotypical' man. If i see at another girl e.g in the street I am usually look at how they fashion their hair or what they are wear and compare them to what I am wearing. The way women are portrayed ( men checking them out) can be exploited to their advantage, such as flicking their hair or seated in a sure way to get male attention. We watched the music video of ' She's so lovely - Scouting for Girls ' Mr Smith then asked us questions, What colour was the boy and girls top? What number lane were they at? What colour belt were they both wearing? What place were they both wearing? What colour eyes did they have? Predictibally the girls got way more good than the boys, as the daughter in this picture would be 'eye candy' and distract them from noticing other things. This is a distinctive representative of the male gaze.Marjorie Ferguson (1980)'s

Cover_uk_VOgue_MAY10_V_29mar10_b_240x360 izzy viney AS media: The Male Gaze
The chocolate box; half lips/ full smile lips together/slightly parted teeth barely visable full/three quaters of brass to the camera. Looks like a typical girl next door, quite sweet, blandly pleasing, uninformity of peach and free of uniqueness. Gwyneth Paltrow looks fresh and free on this report of vogue, despite having heavy eye make up she looks like 'the girl next door', she too is looking above the camera which could be interpereted as being flirty, as when girls flutter their eyelids they reckon up.
VoguecoverOct07_XL_320x421 izzy viney AS media: The Male Gaze
Invitational Emphasis on the eyes Mouth closed with a touch of smile Head to one position or looking back to the camera Sugestive of mischeif or mystery, hint of contact rather than sexual promise. Keira Knightley has her arm on her mind and her mouth slightly open, making eye contact with the camera which shows she has confidence, but her facial expression isn't giving too much away.
VoguecoverOct09_421 izzy viney AS media: The Male Gaze
Super Smiler Full face Wide open, toothy smile Head thrusts forword or chin thrown back Hair often wind blown or big Agressive, look at me smile, unaproachable and possibly a bit attention seeking and over-confident. Sienna miller has backcombed messy hair wich shows confidence, her outfit is quite outgoing which matches her expression, which is layed back but shows she's confident and happy.
Untitled izzy viney AS media: The Male Gaze
Romantic or Sexual Includes male/female 'two somes' Dreamy Heavy Lidded Overtly sunsual/sexual Possibly or definatley available, gives off the point that she is easier to get than other girls and possibly not up for anything serious. The pattern in this is making eye contact with the camera, with one paw on her hip and standing in a 'mighty' way with her legs open, could indicate a sexual message to males.Trevor Millum (1990's)
VoguecoverFeb09_421 izzy viney AS media: The Male Gaze
Seductive Similar to cool/level Eyes less wide Expression is less reserved but still self confident Milder Cheryl Cole on this report gives the effect that she's independant and powerful and knows just how to get a man to see at her.
VoguecoverMay01_XL_320x421 izzy viney AS media: The Male Gaze
Carefree Nymph like Active Healthy Vibrant Outdoor girl Often smiling/grinning The example on this cover looks healthy as she has good complexion, teeth and sound natural hair. She looks the case as if you met her you could think to be a busy lifestyle, it looks to me as if you could guess her playing tennis and existence a bit ditzy.
istockphoto_9025098-tired-woman-in-office izzy viney AS media: The Male Gaze
Practical Concentrating Engaged in line in hand Mouth closed Eyes object directed Sometimes a little frown Hair often tied back or in short smile This woman looks as if shes stressed by work, she may be unnaproachable and quite driven and indipendant.
voguecover4432 izzy viney AS media: The Male Gaze
Comic Deliberatley ridiculous Exaggerated Acting the fool Pulling faces Agyness Deyn is a classical case of Milliums view of a ' comic ' she pulls a kind of different facial expressions and frequently seems like shes having a joke and not being entirely serious like most stereotypical supermodels.
VogueJuly08_22may08_320_1 izzy viney AS media: The Male Gaze
Catalogue A neutral appear as of a dummy, artificial, mannequin, wax like Features may be in any position, but most probably to be with eyes opened wide and a smile Looks remain vacant and empty with peronality removed. Uma Thurman isn't really pulling a particular face, it looks like it is in a neutral position. The film doesn't really infer anything so no substance is given.

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