Friday, October 8, 2010

EXCLUSIVE Interview with Scouting For Girls!

EXCLUSIVE Interview with Scouting For Girls!
Today, I got the opportunity to talk on the telephone with huge British Indie band Scouting for Girls on cricket, music and reality TV.CM: So you`ve recently been doing a lot of charity work, for example cycling from London to Brighton on chopper bikes in August, raising 20,000 for WellChild. Is philanthrope work important to you guys?

FG: I think, yeah, it`s something that we`ve always done before. We had a slight bit of time after we finished this album before it came out and we suddenly realized it was something we had never really done and we were in a place now because of what we do now for a living, people make more notice and we can produce some more money. I`ve always strongly felt that it`s crucial to do something similar that.CM: With it being a 60 mile trek, did it take a certain degree of education or fitness?SFG: Yeh it did. We spent six months beforehand going on tour which is the worst preparation you could likely do. We did sit on children`s bikes. We thought that it could be rather a good gimmick, which it likely was, but it was quite painful actually.CM: You must`ve caught a lot of attentionSFG: Actually yeh, as we were starting to hit through some towns, it was quite embarrassing [laughs]CM: Talking of fitness, you too were favourable to turn in the nets with the England cricket team two weeks ago at Lords, how was that?SFG: Amazing, it was a dream come true. It was fun, really good fun. There was no real winner. We had to declare our retirement from International cricket after that but don`t believe we`ll be lost to be honest [laughs]CM: So your new single, Don`t need to leave you, the third off your album, is out on Monday. What were the influences behind the track?SFG: It was but a really simple song which we had for a long time but it only took a long time to get to a place to get it correct when we were recording it; a long time to bring out which way to go with the ring and how to actually get the vocal work. The call was originally just on a piano, there was naught else to it, so it took a long time to run on the product and the lyrics.CM: The individual was really quite incongruently called `Silly Song` originally. Why the change?SFG: It was really because we were never going to turn it as a single originally and it was exactly what we called it when we were recording it. The back course is `it`s a silly tune I write for you` and we view it was rather a nice name. When it came to releasing it as a record, people were saying that they didn`t recognize what the call was called and determination it difficult to get it. So we thought when releasing it as a single, then we would modify it to something easier for masses to get on Itunes.CM: It`s a large track, I trust it does very good for you, like your list one least Easter with This ain`t a love song. How significant is chart success for you?SFG: I guess we only wish to publish serious songs. I mean the songs that have always done best in the charts have been the songs we have enjoyed the most writing and performing live really. I suppose it`s awesome to have chart success but I don`t believe it`s why we write music.CM: I`m guessing also that touring your album, which you have been doing all year, has been dozens of fun?SFG: Too much fun. We get an absolutely amazing time. Because we have been friends so long, it feels like one big long stag do essentially, for six weeks. And all the beer is free.Any great tour stories to share?SFG: Not that we can share unfortunately (laughs)CM: The Daily Star reported this week that you guys have landed a huge advertising campaign in America. Is this true?SFG: Yeh. It`s not started yet. It`s a call which isn`t yet on the album, but is a bonus track that we`re passing to remix and put out so people can try it. It`s been exciting. We`re on Epic in Us as good and we`re looking at ways of leaving out there and promoting it. This Ain`t a love song is start to clean up radio plays and it`s such a good buzz without anyone having to do anything, just on the force of how it did in the UK, and what it is as a song. We`ve played American radio a few times as a lot I would absolutely love to go back out there, I truly would.CM: How significant is it for you to crack Anerica?I don`t imagine I have no expectations of cracking America. I would know to go thither and turn some shows and influence in it. It took us essentially a twelvemonth and a half constantly to produce a call for ourselves in the UK, and America is like fifty UKs so it would be an opportunity of a time. It would be lovely just to make some pockets of fans and go thither to work for them.CM: So what should Scouting for Girls fans be expecting from you guys in the close future? Is there a new album to be looking forward to?There will unquestionably be some new songs. We`re writing new songs at the moment. There was two and a half years between this album and the concluding one and we need to make certain we present our fans music as a display, and that we don`t provide it too long. As a help to our fans, we just want to make certain they have got new songs. I suppose we`re passing to play on doing some songs at the moment. We`ve got a bit of time later this one so we`ll have some songs and get second in the New Year.CM: Will you be leaving in a new focus on that?I think, in a way, the dispute is comparable the one between our first album and a strain like This aint a Love song, in a way. At the end of the day, we take but always been like a proper band; we save our own music, we play right and we excel when we play live. We only need to create music that is true to ourselves, with integrity, and with a small bit of that Scouting for Girls voice that we have ever had.CM: It`s obvious you bring pride in making your own music. Do you let negative views of bands who make it big from reality TV shows?Not really, it`s always happened in the music business. There has ever been manufactured bands, even on reality TV shows or can the scenes by record labels. I believe it`s ever passing to find and it sometimes comes out with some very great pop music. I judge every band by the effectiveness of their songs and how well they are at entertaining people live.CM: If you could sum up in a few words, what would your motto be for what we can look from you guys in 2011?New songs and bigger shows.Thanks to Scouting for Girls.

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