Thursday, July 7, 2011

my music, my vision, my world. I Met Him on a Monday and the .

anniversary of having moved to Berlin, than to be singing songs before a survival of curious photographers, subliminal Keith Richards types in hideous T-shirts and a fiendish, Finnish man - clearly scouting for girls?

Cozmic-gig2 my music, my vision, my world...: I Met Him on a Monday and the ...Curtesy of Nathan Wright-Cozmic Photos

Indeed, `twas a groove induced night all round really.I can`t actually remember how many songs I played - somewhere in the region twelve or thirteen - but I do remember opening with a relatively bonkers 'Nicotine Nixon,' closely followed by an equally intense `Candy Coincidently.`Replete with applause and banging from the outset, the cozmic groovers were clearly out for a good time (and one likes to mean one has delivered).Put it this way, I caught both the evening`s host Nathan Wright and his skull, smiling throughout; while Keef on the steps was `neugierig` personified.Especially when I enticed him into the rather poignant proceedings of `Holy Water.`

Cozmic-gig1 my music, my vision, my world...: I Met Him on a Monday and the ...Curtesy of Nathan Wright-Cozmic Photos

It was during my presentation to 'Ten Rembrandts,' that I first stumbled upon he who I immediately christened Herr Helsinki.Upon asking if anyone in the hearing was in love, not merely did he cackle like a mother hen in heat, he always so c(l)oyingly agreed to be on the search for l-u-r-v-e as to be quintessentially derided by all.Yer aforementioned Thorne in particular!As such, by the song`s conclusion, a robust theatricality laced the room; which, for all intents and perplexed purposes, was almost certainly assisted by Nathan inadvertently switching off all the lights.Suffice to say, during said darkness, my interpretation of Helsinki`s seductive prowess leapt forth, much to the bemused (p)leisure of the laideez - particularly she fromBrazil.

In-between finishing the set with 'Fists In The Pocket' and encoring with 'Times Square.' I allowed my self the splendid opportunity of singing ``Fuck You Steve`` (Cozmic in-joke) ala The Shangrillas/The Ronettes.Upon hearing several butch men doing likewise, this was obviously a humungous hit (and not just with he who calls himself Steve).

cozmic-gig3 my music, my vision, my world...: I Met Him on a Monday and the ...Curtesy of Nathan Wright-Cozmic Photos

Lest it be said, there`s nothing quite like watching an over-zealous Viking-like-Brit - dressed in a nighttime green kilt - sing like a 7 year old school-girl who ought to be playing hop-scotch.

I`ve been significant to publish this for the preceding week but due to other commitments, such as drinking beer, I hold until now, failed miserably.But anyway, I played a solo show at the possibility of Keith Thorne`s 'Urbex or Die' Photo Exhibition at Cozmic Photo Studioin Kreuzberg last Friday (July 1st).And how best to keep my first

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