Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Scouting For Girls - Everybody Wants To Be On TV Album .

If you asked me whether or not I like Scouting For Girls, I would almost certainly tell you NO. However, when this album ended up in front of me, I figured it was time to be open minded and see whether this was forgettable dross, or perhaps something with some longevity.To be honest, I had completely forgotten about any song which Scouting For Girls had released, but the moment This Aint a Love Song began, I remembered instantly hearing it played over and over on the Radio;

which is clearly a positive for the band, but can often be attached to the Crazy Frog syndrome of becoming annoying to listen to, rather than a credible tune. That said, I cant deny that it is a catchy song although I cringe when the word bloody gets included in the lyrics.Why? Because it feels like its too forced and doesnt fit the music properly. Equivalent to that boy at school who stole cigarettes off his mum and ended up spluttering in the corner whilst trying to look hard.Goodtime Girl is more in line with Scouting For Girls material; utilising quick, clean riffs from the guitars, combined with some competent piano playing.Every song is a singalong opportunity and its thanks to this that the band are able to reclaim some credibility and actually, its a real talent to produce music with consistent hooks (however annoying they may eventually become).Famous sounds likes a naff 80s rip off and is a very unnecessary track and really cheapens the album. "" alt="">For some reason, the band spend the latter half of the album over indulging in cheesy synth noises and effects, which actually dont sound very good at all!Youve got a radical of decent musicians who for some reason have decided they MUST use these club-style noises.It leaves me shaking my mind in disappointment. It might be considered AMAZING by some people, but lets be honest, the boys can do a whole lot better.Having kicked off the album with a smash hit record, every song to come will now be compared; so its time to tone up.I dont remember if Scouting For Girls planned to save half their songs about Girls and whether this is an intentional recurring theme, but it gets tired in the end.I say all in all, there are one or two worthy moments on this album, but ultimately there is no longevity here and like so many chart acts, we wont be talking about them in ten days time; unless its a reunion tour!This album is just OK. Theres nothing like a small bit of class, wrapped up in a perfect assis an instance of the case of lyrics you can expect. oh dear.

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